Saturday 19 April 2014


Hello !

here's my first blog! first things first, heres a obligatory introduction :)

Im Louise, 22 years old, living in north wales, recently married to wonderful hubby, proud owner (well most of the time) of a 10 month old west highland terrier.

Fundamentally, im unsure where i am going with my blog. I want to primarly discuss my experience with having myalgic encelphalomyeltitis (M.E), also known as Chronic fatigue syndrome. I was diagnosed with M.E in January this year. It was a relief to finally know what was wrong, however my diagnosis brought up alot of confusion and anger for me. As being told you have a incurable illness with no direct treatment, just symptom control, was hard to take after it taking 14 years to even get a diagnosis.

I am planning to go into my journey in more detail in my next blog post, as its a long story!! so if you can get to the end of that post without falling alsleep, your amazing! Asides from my health, I will probably explore other aspects of my life as time goes on, as fundermentally these are linked.

ive actually been very apprehensive about starting a blog, as ive never been a word smith and i struggle to concentrate for more than 10 minutes due to being a fellow dyselxic/dyspraxic wonder! however, i have found blogs extremely helpful and comforting to read when ive had a bad day, before my diagnosis, wanting answers and generally knowing 'im not alone'. i want to extend a infinte amount of gratetude to these bloggers, i couldnt name them all or this post wouldnt end, but i am hoping to thank them indivudally in later posts.

anyway I have a tendency to ramble, so id better wrap this up!

 Louise x

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